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  • Writer's pictureLaura Hemmerling

Choosing The Spiral: The Path Less Traveled

For much of my life, I followed the linear path laid out by society. The expectations were clear: move from point A to point B, hit the milestones, check the boxes, and success will follow. But what happens when that path, so neatly defined, begins to feel narrow, confining, and at odds with your true self?

There came a point when I could no longer ignore the growing dissonance between the life I was told to live and the life that felt authentic to me. The straight line I was following began to curve, and I found myself at a crossroads, faced with a choice: continue down the well-trodden path or venture into the unknown, where the road is not marked and certainty is elusive.

I chose the latter. Because there was such dissonacne between the life I had created and that which my soul was calling for, I decided to sell my home and car, quit my career job, and let go of my possessions. I packed my bag and set off in discovery of what my soul was calling me to.

The shift from a linear path to a spiral one was not easy. The spiral path winds and turns, often doubling back on itself, making it difficult to know whether you're progressing or just wandering. There were moments of doubt, times when I feared that I had taken a wrong turn. But the more I walked this path, the more I realized that there are no wrong or right turns—only the next step to take.

In a world that values direction and speed, choosing a path that meanders can feel like a rebellion. It requires courage to let go of the need for clear answers and to embrace the unknown. But it is in those quiet, uncertain moments that the most profound insights arise.

If you find yourself at a similar juncture, unsure of which way to go, I encourage you to slow down. Get quiet and listen—not to the voices of others, but to the one deep within you. Ask yourself, "What calls to me in this moment?" and let that inner calling guide your steps.

The spiral path may not be the easiest route, but it is one rich with discovery and self-creation. By choosing to be a path maker, you shape your world with each decision, crafting a life that is uniquely your own. And while the way forward may not always be clear, trust that every twist and turn is part of the journey.

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